Removes a subset of estimates returned by est_ce
- ests
An object of class
returned byest_ce
.- dat
The data object originally passed into
.- quantiles
A vector of length 2 representing the quantiles of the marker distribution at which to trim the data; if, for example,
is specified, values outside the 10 (weighted) quantiles of the marker distribution will be trimmed.- placebo
Boolean; if TRUE, quantiles are computed based on the marker distribution in the placebo arm instead of the vaccine arm
# \donttest{
dat <- load_data(time="HIVwk28preunblfu", event="HIVwk28preunbl", vacc="trt",
marker="IgG_V2", covariates=c("age","BMI","bhvrisk"),
weights="wt", ph2="casecontrol", data=hvtn505)
ests_cox <- est_ce(dat=dat, type="Cox", t_0=578)
ests_cox_tr <- trim(ests_cox, dat=dat, quantiles=c(0.05,0.95))
plot_ce(ests_cox_tr, density_type="kde", dat=dat)
# }